Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The fundamental rules of fantasy stories

1. When in doubt, blow something up. (Thank you, Alison)

2. Don't be afraid of blood.

3. Scaring little children is ok.

4. Making people cry is AWESOME.

5. Add beauty and hope

6. Don't get so sucked into making a cool villain that you get good and evil mixed up. Keep very clear distinctions between moral actions and evilness. Try to keep the lines between the two crystal clear in the character's eyes. 

7. Be willing to accept that you will ruin several people's lives. 

8. And kill several people too. 


10. Emotional strife keeps the ball rolling

11. Nothing is more annoying than an annoying main character. 

12. Know the right times to be extremely descriptive and the right times to make the reader guess.

13. Laugh at yourself

14. And don't be afraid to go back to the drawing board time and time again.



  1. Love your rules Karly! So how do you feel about killing off one of your main characters to move the story forward?

  2. I said to blow things up first. just saying

  3. Good rules but I can't always agree to 6&9. I don't mind a villain keeping me on edge. And I love a good tragedy. But rule 2 is indispensable.

  4. Btw, I nominated you for the Libster Award on my blog.
