Monday, May 26, 2014

A Bird The Other Day

I was watching a bird the other day
And saw something that made me stray
Off the hard beaten track I am so wont to tread.

It wasn't really the bird that made me pause,
But the trees around the sunlit ground
That swayed and sung
The Song they constantly sing.

But it wasn't the trees that caused my feet
To slip and me to fall
Maybe it was the tossed ball
Thrown by a tiny little child across the street.

But even then, as I lay, aching on the sunlit ground
It might have bumblebee
So jolly in his way
Who labored on in the lengthening afternoon
And caused my feet to stray.

But as my wide eyes followed the bee's haphazard path
They lit upon a sight they rejoiced to see.

It wasn't the bird that made me stray
Off the hard beaten track I am so wont to tread,
It was the beat of the slow turning earth
That rumbled in time with time.

The warm afternoon so captured my soul,
That it wasn't the bird that made me stray:
It was wonder at this wonderful day.

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