Friday, March 29, 2013

This day

I spent an interesting and cobwebby time in the rafters of our shed a few minutes ago, battling a huge two-by-four, and getting mud on the ceiling. I'm quite thankful the spiders haven't come out of the deep, dank, dungeons they go to during the winter yet. The shed is almost hopeless. We'll see if I can conquer the dust and bugs before the summer is out. Every day my jeans loose a little more cloth around the knees--what will win this epic struggle? The shed, or the denim...Let the best thing win.

NEWS FLASH: It actually feels like spring outside. You don't need me to tell you that. WOW! I'm pumped for flowers and grass. The sound of water running is a boon to my frost-nipped ears. We can start expecting the yearly migration--humans and beasts alike--to return to the north any time now. Every day the snow goes down a few more inches. The ice on the creak has a big channel running down the center, and the rink is turning in to a pond. Muddy paw-prints abound.

I put a few of the shovels away today. Mom said it's bad luck to put them away before we know for sure if it'll snow again--but I'll take a chance. Besides, I haven't stowed the snow blower yet. Who knows, we may still need it.

I'm still hunting for a job at nearby stables. I've been praying to God, asking that He would grant me this opportunity.  I'm excited! Who knows what will happen.

Happy Easter, folks. Praise the God who gave us His son and spring to enjoy. Enjoy this good Friday--I'm off to do push-ups and watch Jericho. (Great show, by the way.)


Monday, March 25, 2013

Lessons from the life of Jason Bourne

Lesson 1: Never, EVER enter into a program in which they say to you, "do you really need to know that?"

Lesson 2: Yes, the government has phone a surveillance system. Be careful.

Lesson 3: In the right hands, magazines can be weapons.

Lesson 4: If you enter into a car chase with Jason Bourne, you will die.

Lesson 5: Killing people kills you.

     Time to state the obvious: I just finished the first three Bourne movies. Now for my rating: I give it an 8 on the heart-wrenching-o-meter, a 10 on the fist-pump-o-meter, and it received the A. W. E. S. O. M. E. award on the plot-o-meter. I loved it! Here's the one thing that got me, though. So Jason is tortured by the memory all the people he's killed. He says in the third movie, "I try to apologize..."
     I wish more people knew God forgives. I know, I know, Bourne was just a character in a movie, but it made me sad.
     Hopefully the Aaron agent person in the next movie has a happier state of mind...but I doubt it. "Happy state of  mind" is a completely foreign concept for these agents, and I don't blame them.
    ANYWAYS. The Bourne trilogy is excellent and ranks second on my imaginary favorite movie list--next only to Lord of the Rings. Have fun wincing sympathetically as you watch.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Saturday, March 9th

I staggered into the house after a ride through the drizzle. The most annoying part of this whole recovery sequence is when my legs threaten to give way after the most menial of activities. But that will pass in time, right? I sure hope so. That's beside the point, however.
What a beautiful day. It smells like spring. Granted, what with the rain, slush, and lack of flowers, its not an ideal picture of spring as we see it in Birds & Blooms magazine, but the world has a variety of masks.
Can you believe it's March? Already? I think this year has made my "most eventful" list. My imaginary "most eventful" list. You know, the only reason I even have a most eventful list this year is because I actually have time to think. *grin

Oh, yes. I almost forgot. I watched the Hunger Games, and I'd like to give you all a rating. It rated a 9 on the icky-o-meter, 10 on the acting-o-meter, and it received the B. L. A. H. award on the plot-o-meter. I'd give it four out of ten stars--only because of the acting. And the game-maker's beard. The game-maker's beard was SPECTACULAR. Here's a picture of it:
Isn't it the best? I thought so.

Back to the drizzle. This week, because it's been so warm, I've had the privilege to watch the icicles form outside my window. The light sparkles in them like they've caught the sun's light and trapped it in their slender bodies. No icicles today, however. Just a grey expanse of sky and that oh-so-fresh air. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Friday, March 1, 2013



A field of daisies,
Waving cheery.
A midsummer rose,
Nodding sweetly.

And there by the corner
A honeysuckle humming
Brighter and taller
Bursting with flower.

A garden gate amidst it all
An opening in the stone wall.
A rocky path leads to
The bee’s euphoria.

Another Garden

The earth’s merriment rises from the ground
What does it look like? How does it sound?
It flutters on wings light as air
It sends its aroma with the birds and bees
Its chuckles arise from the ground-

Red, blue, yellow, purple
Slender petals wave in the breeze
The earth’s humor is these.

A rocky wall surrounds it all
A happy sanctuary...
A gorgeous wilderness
Becrimsoned and begilded
Like a testimony of all things beautiful
Gathered in one happy spot

Slender petals wave in the breeze—
The earth’s humor is these.